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Programme Information

Understand your programme and how you can access modules, placements, and study abroad with our fantastic opportunities.

This section provides information about your programme and key contacts.

Some programmes have additional information which is accessible via our School Community on Canvas.

Programme content information is accessible via module pages on Canvas.

It is important you that have an understanding of the programme as a whole and how each module and stage contributes to it.


Every programme ran by the University has programme regulations and specifications that govern how they are delivered assessed.

Average number of contact hours for this stage/programme: Please review your teaching timetable for an overview of contact hours. Contact hours per module are included in the module outline form.
Mode of delivery: Mode of delivery for each programme is included in the Degree Programme Regulations.
Normal notice period for changes to the timetable, including rescheduled classes: One week
Normal notice period for changes to the curriculum or assessment: Normally prior to the start of the relevant academic year; otherwise students will be fully consulted before any changes are made.
Normal deadline for feedback on submitted work (coursework): Twenty working days as detailed in the Policy on Assessment and Feedback. Students will be informed when modules are exempt from this turnaround time.
Normal deadline for feedback on examinations: Twenty working days from the end of the relevant assessment period. Students will be informed when modules are exempt from this turnaround time.
Professional Accreditation: Professional accreditation information for accredited programmes is included in the Programme Specification
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment methods and criteria are included in each module outline form
Academic guidance and support:  Please refer to the Student Support section of the Current Student Webpage and Your School Contacts sheet detailed below. 


Information about Careers Service placements and work experience opportunities is available online.

Information about Industrial Placement Degree Programmes is available via our School Canvas Community. Queries can be directed to the relevant Degree Programme Director (as detailed on the above contact sheets). The programme transfer procedure is included in the Student Support section of this webpage.

Information about Study Abroad opportunities is available online.

Postgraduate taught


Every programme run by the University has programme regulations and specifications that govern how they are delivered assessed.

Average number of contact hours for this stage/programme: Please review your teaching timetable for an overview of contact hours. Contact hours per module are included in the module outline form.
Mode of delivery: Mode of delivery for each programme is included in the Degree Programme Regulations
Normal notice period for changes to the timetable, including rescheduled classes: One week 
Normal notice period for changes to the curriculum or assessment: Normally prior to the start of the relevant academic year; otherwise students will be fully consulted before any changes are made. 
Normal deadline for feedback on submitted work (coursework): Twenty working days as detailed in the Policy on Assessment and Feedback. Students will be informed when modules are exempt from this turnaround time.
Normal deadline for feedback on examinations: Twenty working days from the end of the relevant assessment period. Students will be informed when modules are exempt from this turnaround time.
Professional Accreditation: Professional accreditation information for accredited programmes is included in the Programme Specification
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment methods and criteria are included in each module outline form
Academic guidance and support:  Please refer to the Student Support section of the Current Student Webpage and Your School Contacts sheet detailed below. 

Key definitions

Module – an element within a programme of study. The size of the module (relative to the programme as a whole) is measured with reference to your learning time. The normal undergraduate academic year is 120 credits, and the normal postgraduate year is 180 credits. Your total study time is expected to total 100 hours for each 10-credit module.

Compulsory modules – modules that you must take in order to fulfil the requirements of the Degree Programme.

Core modules – those modules which you must PASS to be allowed to proceed.

Optional modules – those which you choose to take because they suit your interests and career aspirations.

Aims – each programme will have a set of aims that explains the overall goals of the programme. These aims will relate to programme structure, student outcomes, placements (where relevant), and accrediting bodies (where relevant). Modules will also have a set of aims that explains the primary objectives of each specific module.

Learning outcomes – each programme will have a set of learning outcomes that specifies the skills and knowledge that students are expected to develop over the course of the programme. Modules will also have specific skills outcomes and knowledge outcomes that specify what you will learn and what skills you will develop on each module.

Degree programme regulations – explain which modules can be taken, programme-specific progression rules (i.e., how to ensure that you advance to the next stage), and programme-specific degree classification rules (i.e., how your final degree classification will be determined). All degree programme regulations are available here.

Degree programme specifications – the specifications for each degree programme contain information on the aims, learning outcomes, teaching and learning methods and assessment strategies specific to each programme. All degree programme specifications are available here.

Present-in-person (PIP) – on campus activities.

Face-to-face – synchronous activities in which students and/or lecturers are interacting at the same time.  These maybe online or present-in-person sessions on campus.

Synchronous – learning, teaching and assessment activity that happens at the same time for all involved.

Non-synchronous – learning, teaching and assessment activity that can be undertaken by those involved at different times.

Modules and module choice

The Degree Programme Regulations for your programme explain which modules are compulsory, core, and/or optional on your degree programme. You can look up information on each module in the Module Catalogue. This module page will provide key information, including the number of credits, the types of assessment, the types of teaching activities, and the number of contact hours. It also explains how many hours you are expected to spend in independent study, including lecture follow-up, completing coursework, doing background reading, and revising for your exams. The module outline will also explain the aims and learning outcomes of the module and provide you with an overview of the syllabus.

Stage 1 students complete module selection in Induction Week, and all students will be provided with information to help you select your optional modules. Before submitting your selections, you should meet with your personal tutor to ensure that they are appropriate and that they fit with the Degree Programme Regulations.

The Module Catalogue is rolled forward to the next academic year in March of each year. All continuing students (except for final year students) use the Student Portal to register for your next stage around Easter each year. The Student Portal system knows what programme you are studying and whether you are studying full time or part time. The system will only let you select the modules associated with your programme to the value of the credits for the stage of your programme.

Graduate framework

Your University programme is primarily intended to educate you in a particular discipline, but it will also provide training in transferable skills and personal development through a set of graduate attributes. You will have the opportunity to develop these through various aspects of your university experience and through your programme. The University maps these attributes according to the Graduate Framework.

Your programme will be clearly linked to a series of graduate attributes, some of which will be present in learning and teaching activities and some of which will be assessed. You will be able to identify these attributes by looking at the skills outcomes noted in the Programme Specification for your programme and in information about your modules in the module catalogue. Identifying the attributes that have been linked to your programme and experience will help you to recognise those which you can mention in interviews and on your CV.

Teaching and contact hours

You will experience a variety of types of teaching during your time at University, each of which has different learning objectives and each of which will contribute to your learning experience in different ways. The University has definitions of the key types of teaching, but the amount and types of contact time vary quite a bit between modules, stages, and programmes. You will be provided information on what you can expect on your programme for 2020-21 including:

  • centrally timetabled hours
  • structured learning activities
  • academic Guidance hours
  • academic enrichment hours