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During Stage 1 we will help you to build knowledge, understanding and skills required to succeed in Stages 2 and 3 of your degree. You'll be introduced to key geographical research and the global challenges of the 21st century.


Compulsory Modules Credits
Interconnected World 20
Geographical Analysis 20
Introduction to Physical Geography 20
Geographical Skills 20
Optional Modules Credits
Introduction to Archaeological Science 20
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 10
Earth Observation 10
Environmental Issues 20
Human Geographies of the UK 20
Physical Geography Field Course 20
Key Concepts in International Politics 20
Comparing Cultures 20
Level A (HE Entry Level) Spanish I 20
Level B (HE Intermediate) Spanish 20

In Stage 2 you have the opportunity to tailor your degree to your interests. You'll study modules in advanced research techniques and key methods. Your remaining topics will be optional, giving you the chance to engage with the topics that interest you the most.

You will also have a choice of destinations for your Stage 2 residential field course.


Compulsory modules

If you're following a primarily Human Geography pathway you take the following compulsory modules (shown in the optional list below):

Key Methods for Human Geographers (20 credits)

Doing Human Geography Research: Theory and Practice (20 credits)

If you're following a primarily Physical Geography pathway you take the following compulsory modules (shown in the optional list below):

Doing Physical Geography Research: Theory and Practice (20 credits)

Key Methods for Physical Geographers (20 credits)


Optional Modules Credits
Animals, Plants and People: an Introduction to Environmental Archaeology 20
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 10
Ireland Field Course 20
Key Methods for Human Geographers 20
Political Geography 20
Physical Geography Field course 2: Iceland 20
Economic Geography 20
Development & Globalisation 20
Social Geographies 20
Doing Human Geography Research: Theory and Practice 20
Social experiments, diverse economies: Copenhagen Field Course 20
The creative and knowledge-based economy: Berlin field course 20
UK fieldwork research project 20
Doing Physical Geography Research: Theory and Practice 20
Emotional Geographies of the City: Vienna/Bratislava or UK urban field course 20
Global Environmental Change 20
Key Methods for Physical Geographers 20
Exploring Everyday Political Geographies in a Divided City: Nicosia Field Course 20
Geography Fieldtrip for Module Pre-Registration 20
Urban Sustainability: Barcelona Field Course 20
Glacial Environments 20
Biogeography 20
River Catchment Dynamics 20
City of Crisis, City of Hope: Amsterdam 20
Humans vs Nature in the Netherlands (Netherlands Field course) 20
Bosnia and Herzegovina Field Course 20
Between Two Unions: Ireland Human Geography Field Course 20
Placing Community Organising: Theory and Practice 20
Career Development for second year students 20
Geological Resources 10
Government and Politics of the USA 20
Political Violence and the Modern State 20

In Stage 3 you'll have a wide choice of optional modules that are directly linked to the research work of our staff.

You'll also undertake your dissertation research project. This is a major piece of independent research, based on your interests, led by you with support from a dedicated academic mentor.


Compulsory modules

You take the following compulsory module (except if you're taking Dissertation for Study Abroad Students) (shown in the optional list below):
Dissertation (40 credits)

If you're taking Student Exchange Semester 1, you take the compulsory module (shown in the optional list below):
Dissertation for Study Abroad Students (40 credits)


Optional Modules Credits
Ireland Field Course 20
Physical Geography Field course 2: Iceland 20
Social experiments, diverse economies: Copenhagen Field Course 20
The creative and knowledge-based economy: Berlin field course 20
UK fieldwork research project 20
Emotional Geographies of the City: Vienna/Bratislava or UK urban field course 20
Exploring Everyday Political Geographies in a Divided City: Nicosia Field Course 20
Geography Fieldtrip for Module Pre-Registration 20
Urban Sustainability: Barcelona Field Course 20
City of Crisis, City of Hope: Amsterdam 20
Humans vs Nature in the Netherlands (Netherlands Field course) 20
Bosnia and Herzegovina Field Course 20
Between Two Unions: Ireland Human Geography Field Course 20
Geopolitics 20
Local and Regional Development 20
Student Exchange Semester 1 40
Polar Environments 20
Mapping the City 20
Landslides and Coasts 20
Palaeoclimates 20
Applied Fluvial Geomorphology 20
Geographies of Race and Nation 20
Geography Community Engagement Project (Advanced) 20
Humanitarianism and Health Inequalities 20
Placing Community Organising: Theory and Practice 20
Career Development for final year students 20
Field course module information

You must take one of the field course modules listed above.