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Research Funding

We receive funding from a wide variety of funders worldwide. This includes Research Councils, major charities, European Union, UK Government departments and industry.

Research funding is one of the indicators of the performance of the University. It's most important because these grants enable us to do the research that pushes back the boundaries of knowledge. It allows our creativity to flourish, and helps to make our world better. 

This table gives a breakdown of new external research funding awards for year ending 31 July 2023:

Funding bodyAmount (£m)
Research Councils 37.2
UK charities 26.7
EU government bodies and EU other 8.3
Other 47.1
Total 119.3

Research news

New hub for sonification innovation announced

Newcastle University experts will help deliver a project to improve how we communicate data through sound.

New model to enhance extreme rainfall prediction

Scientists have developed new guidance and tools that could significantly improve the prediction of life-threatening flash flooding.

Funding to create new research projects for muscular dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy UK is funding 12 new research projects worth £1.7 million across England and Scotland, with three projects based at Newcastle University.