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You will build on your current language skills, studying Spanish and Portuguese.

You also have opportunities to study a range of optional modules, giving you the chance to explore the culture of Latin America, Portugal and Spain.


Compulsory Modules Credits
Level A (HE Entry Level) Portuguese I 20
Level A (HE Entry Level) Portuguese II 20
Level B (HE Intermediate) Spanish 20
Optional Modules Credits
Introducción a América Latina 20
Introduction to Literature 20
Introduction to Linguistics 20
Introduction to International Film 20
Introduction to Cultural Studies 20
Introduction to History, Culture and Society of the Iberian Peninsula 20

You will spend Stage 3 working or studying abroad. This year abroad exposes you to the life and cultures of the countries you're studying, further developing your language skills.


Compulsory Modules

Year Abroad Tutor Posts (100 credits)

Optional Modules

Study Abroad (20 credits)

Year Abroad Placement Report (Semester 1) (20 credits)

Year Abroad Placement Report (Semester 2) (20 credits)

Year Abroad Project (Semester 1) (20 credits)

Year Abroad Project (Semester 2)(20 credits)

In Stage 4, your language studies build on the levels you have developed during your year abroad and also develop more professional skills. You will be able to choose between studying advanced translation and interpreting or language for professional purposes.

You also select further optional modules to explore the cultures and histories of the countries where your languages are spoken.


Compulsory Modules Credits
Level C (HE Advanced) Portuguese 20
Level D (HE Further Advanced) Spanish: Advanced Writing Skills 10
Additional compulsory module information
You must take one of the following compulsory modules (shown in the optional list below):
Optional Modules Credits
Cultura y poder en América latina: debates desde la antropología 20
Comparative History of Hispano-America and Brazil: from Independence to the Mexican Revolution (1789/1810-1917) 20
Inter-American Relations from the Spanish-American War (1898) to the end of the Cold War (1989/1991) 20
Language Endangerment and Revitalisation in Latin America 20
Latin American Art and Theory 20
Cultura y Política en Colombia 20
Career Development for final year students 20
Advanced Career Development module 20
Identidades Pós-Coloniais Luso-Afro-Brasileiras 20
Reading in Translation 20
Advocating and Teaching Languages in Schools 20
Dissertation 20
World Spanish 20
Representaciones de Revolución, Dictadura y Democracia en España y América Latina 20
Language Diversity in Spain 20
Food, Football and Fiction: Constructing Catalan Cultural Identity 20
Intermediate Catalan 20
Cultura Popular en España y Cuba 20
Spectres of the Past: Memory in Contemporary Spanish Culture 20
Spanish and Romance word analysis 20
Level D (HE Further Advanced) Spanish: Language for Professional & Academic Purposes 10
Level D (HE Further Advanced) Spanish: Translation & Interpreting 10