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The first year of this degree is shared with other Biology-related degrees in the School. You can transfer to one of our other Biology and Zoology degrees before the second year should your interests change (subject to achieving the appropriate grades).

You'll develop a strong foundation in the subject and get stuck into practical work straight away.


Compulsory Modules Credits
Genetics and Evolution 20
Diversity of Life: Form and Function 20
Ecology and Conservation 20
Cells and Biomolecules 20
Academic and Professional Skills for the Biosciences 20
Optional Modules Credits
Crop Pests 10
Animal Health 10
Introduction to Animal Physiology 10
Natural Science Research Impact 10
UK Wildlife 10
The Marine Environment 20
Marine Microbiology and Primary Producers 20

In Stage 2, you'll continue to build upon your skills, delving deeper into the field. You'll also have the option to embark on a residential field course or an intensive practical lab course. 


Compulsory Modules Credits
Experimental Design and Statistics 10

You must also take one of the following compulsory modules (shown in the optional list below):


Optional Modules Credits
Career Development for second year students 20
Animal Parasitology 10
Field Identification Skills 10
Animal Behaviour 10
Pollution of Air, Water & Soil 10
Microbial Biochemistry 20
Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation 20
Biotechnology: Principles and Practice 20
Animal Function (Physiology and Development) 20
Plant Biology 20
Evolutionary Biology 20
Insect Biology and Origins 20
Field-based Ecology: designing experiments, and residential field course 20
Vertebrate Biology 20
Tropical Marine Ecology 20
Applied Marine Biology 20
Biological Psychology: Sex, Drugs, Rhythms and Blues 10

You'll work independently on an extensive project with a choice between a Biological Literature Review, a Biological Research Project and a Biological Information Project.

You will have a choice of specialist topics such as:

  • molecular biology, genomics and biotechnology
  • biological computer modelling
  • biodiversity and conservation

These specialist topics are linked to our research expertise.


Compulsory Modules Credits
Research Project 40

You must also take one of the following compulsory modules (shown in the optional list below):



Optional Modules Credits
Advanced Career Development module 20
Biodiversity Science and Management 20
Current Research in Ecology 20
Biotechnology: Applications 20
Biological Modelling 20
Physiological Zoology 20
Microbial Genomics 20
Advances in Plant Science Research 20
Current Research in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 20
Africa Field Course: Conservation and Ecology 20
Advanced Marine Research Topics I 20

Module Overview - Biodiversity Science and Management