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Newcastle University is open about its spending and finances. Find out about our financial management.

What we spend and how we spend it

We aim to make the best use of the University's resources and fulfil our statutory responsibilities.

To quickly understand the breakdown of University income and how we spend it, Student financial summary 2023.

Remuneration Committee

The University Remuneration Committee is a sub-group of Council and is chaired by independent lay-member, Claire Morgan. The group oversees the pay of senior executives including the Vice-Chancellor and President.

Meet the members of the Remuneration Committee

Ex officio members include the Chair of Council, Paul Walker and the Honorary Treasurer, Angela Russell  

Appointed members include  Nitin Shukla and Pat Ritchie.

No member of the Executive Board is involved in discussions relating to their own pay. For more detail about the work of Remuneration Committee, read the Terms of Reference‌ (PDF: 75KB).

For more information about how Remuneration Committee oversees the pay and benefits of our senior executives, see our Executive Remuneration Policy (PDF: 167KB).

Vice-Chancellor's salary

The University is committed to transparency about the remuneration of senior staff, including that of the Vice-Chancellor.

Newcastle University’s Remuneration Committee has determined the Vice-Chancellor’s salary level on the basis of the:

  • scale and complexity of the responsibilities of leading a £500m institution operating internationally in a highly competitive market
  • level of knowledge, experience and ability demonstrated by Professor Day and tested against outstanding external candidates at the time of his appointment
  • highly competitive market for leaders at this level and of this quality

Gender pay gap

Newcastle has made progress in addressing a wide range of equality and diversity issues across the University but has more to do for gender equality.

Gender Pay Gap Report

Based on earnings data at 31 March 2018, The 2019 Gender Pay Gap Report showed that across the whole workforce, on average women earn 20.0% less than men here at the University (20.4% in 2018).

Gaps are caused by a wide range of factors, but are mainly due to the spread of men and women working in different job types.

The University does not have an equal pay gap as men and women working in similar jobs are generally paid the same.

Find out more by reading the Gender Pay Gap Report 2020‌ (PDF: 1.1MB).

Addressing the gap

The University is working hard to address these gaps. The Vice Chancellor has set up a Pay Equality Task and Finish Group to investigate the issues linked to pay equality. The University has also:

  • amended the professorial pay review to help individuals progress through pay bands faster
  • made progress in increasing the number of female professors who work here
  • supported women to progress in their careers, particularly into leadership positions
  • increased paid maternity leave to 18 weeks to help retain our female researchers

The University's commitment to good practice on gender equality was recognised in 2016 when we achieved the Athena SWAN Silver Award.

Further information on expenditure

If you would like more information about the University's expenditure, including financial statements, investments, and expenses, visit our Freedom of Information pages.