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TCP2038 : Researching Local Economies (Placement)

  • Offered for Year: 2024/25
  • Module Leader(s): Dr Neil Adrian Powe
  • Owning School: Architecture, Planning & Landscape
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 1 Credit Value: 20
ECTS Credits: 10.0
European Credit Transfer System


Gain an understanding of the working of local economies and how they can be better understood through research.

With a planning focus, this module provides an applied introduction to the working of location economies, with particular references to business, retail/leisure and housing. The relevant ‘markets’ will be described, where the factors affecting them in terms of market and policy forces will be considered. In order to better understand these markets, statistical and geographical methods will be introduced and practical examples considered. There will be an emphasis throughout on project work and the use of secondary and map data, where the applied work focuses on “what a planner might do” to better understand and shape local economies. Throughout there is an emphasis on the importance of place within local economies.

Outline Of Syllabus

Economic regeneration
Business growth, job creation
Retail (forms of retail; planning for retail development)
Town centre revival
Policy evaluation
Availability and use of secondary data sources
Basic mapping and statistical analysis

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Structured Guided LearningLecture materials91:009:00RECAP - One hour recording each week on the parallel TCP2025
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture102:0020:00RECAP - These sessions unpick detailed new material in the one hour lecture - parallel to TCP2025
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion190:0090:00Reading and research specifically focused on assessment preparation and completion
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion159:0059:00Reading and learning as set out within the lectures and developed in the workshops
Guided Independent StudySkills practice111:0011:00Computer practical instructions that link to the computer demonstrations
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesWorkshops111:0011:00Weekly check-in on Zoom to discuss any issues/problems and give support with computer demos
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

The students will be located in a foreign country and there is usually only one or two students overall. As such, there is no person to person teaching. It would not be appropriate to provide individual seminars for just a few students. So only 11 hours of contact time are provided to keep in touch and deal with problems as they emerge. Where necessary email and further zoom meetings will be used to help the students through their learning.

This module is for students who are abroad and can not physically attend sessions.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Report1M50Based on town centre revival and will include a combination of mapping and statistical analysis.
Report1M50Based on business growth within the local economy and will include mapping and policy analysis.
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

Two assessments to cover the knowledge and skills outcomes outlined above. Project work reflects the research nature of the module and develops appropriate writing skills.

Reading Lists
