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Getting Here

Find out how to reach Newcastle University by public transport or car.

Travelling to Newcastle University

Newcastle is easy to reach – just three hours from London by train and with easy access to the A1(M).

You can download our campus and city map (PDF: 2.5MB) to find your way around the city.

The city-centre car parks can get very busy during our Open Days, so we recommend planning ahead and using public transport where you can.

Travelling by train

Newcastle Central Station is on the east coast main line and directly accessible from London King's Cross, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

The University can easily be reached from Newcastle Central Station using the Metro. Haymarket Metro station is opposite the campus and only two stops from Central Station.

The campus is approximately 18-minutes' walk from the train station, please see directions below.

Taxi rank is also outside the station.

Rail travel links

Fastest train times to major UK cities*

  • Leeds: 1 hour 20 minutes 
  • Edinburgh: 1 hour 25 minutes
  • Manchester: 2 hours 10 minutes
  • London: 2 hours 35 minutes 
  • Birmingham: 3 hours 30 minutes

*Information according to Trainline

Park and Ride

As the city centre is a busy place to park, another option is to park nearby and travel to the city centre using public transport.

Metro Park and Ride

Park your car at one of these stations and take a short Metro journey to Haymarket station opposite the University.

Heworth Metro station (for those travelling from the south)
Four Lane Ends Metro station (for those travelling from the north)
Regent Centre Metro station (for those travelling from the north)
  • Location: Great North Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE3 3PF
  • Spaces: 183
  • Cost: £1.20 per day*
  • Journey time: 12 minutes

Buy a Metro DaySaver ticket for unlimited travel. You can pay for this using cash or a card.

*Although we make every effort to ensure that this information is correct, we advise you to check prices with the Metro website.

Newcastle Great Park and Ride

You can also leave your car at the Newcastle Great Park and Ride and then travel by bus, getting off at Barras Bridge, which is just next to the campus.

  • A return ticket to the city centre costs £3.20
  • Buses run every 20 minutes with a journey time to campus of under 25 minutes

Visit the Park and Ride website for further information.

Travelling by car

Getting to Newcastle

Newcastle is easily accessible by road via the A1 from the north and south and the A69 from the west. A route planner may help you with your journey:

Parking on campus is limited and only available for disabled visitors. Contact us at if you require a disabled parking space. 

For sat-nav, we recommend using the postcode of one of the city-centre car parks or a park and ride option.

City-centre car parks

City-centre car parks are likely to be busy, so please allow extra time for your journey. 

The following car parks are within walking distance of the campus:

Name Postcode Approx. walking time to campus Charge*
Claremont Road NE2 4AN 2 minutes £1.60 per hour
Civic Centre (Saturday only) NE1 8PB 6 minutes £1.60 per hour 
Morden Street NE1 7RQ 6 minutes £2.20 per hour
Q Park Stowell Street NE1 4YB 6 minutes From £1.50 per hour depending on entry time
Eldon Square Multi Story NE1 7RZ 7 minutes £2.40 per hour 
Eldon Garden Multi Story NE1 7RT 7 minutes

£2.20 per hour or £11.00 per day

Dean Street Multi Story NE1 1PG 15 minutes £1.80 per hour
Grainger Town Multi Story NE1 4DP 18 minutes £1.30 per hour or £9.00 daily charge
Quayside Multi Story NE1 2AQ 13 minutes £1.20 per hour or £9.00 daily charge

*Although we make every effort to ensure that this information is correct, we advise you to check prices with Newcastle City Council.

Disabled parking on campus

We have a limited number of parking spaces on campus for disabled visitors.

To book a disabled parking space please email with your:

  • name
  • date of visit
  • car registration number

A member of the Open Day Team will get in touch with further details and directions for the day.

Travelling by plane

Newcastle International Airport is about seven miles from the University, and is linked to the city centre via Metro.

There are regular flights to UK cities including Aberdeen, London and Bristol.

It may be possible to fly direct to Newcastle International Airport from locations across Europe. Indirect flights typically change in London, Amsterdam, Brussels or Paris. Connecting flights from London to Newcastle fly from HeathrowGatwick and Stansted airports.

The airport is about 7 miles from the city centre. You can travel by Metro from the airport to the city centre – the journey to Haymarket (the nearest stop to the University) takes about 25 minutes.

Finding our campus

It’s easy to get to the University campus once you’ve arrived in the city. Simply take the Metro to the Haymarket station, which is only two stops from Central Station. The campus is opposite the Metro station. Tickets are £4.10* for a Metro Day Ticket for unlimited travel (one zone).

Alternatively, it’s a 15-minute walk to the campus from the train station. Please see our University map leaflet for directions.

Look out for our guides wearing high-vis jackets. They will be at key areas of the city centre, including the train station, to help direct you to the campus.

*Although we make every effort to ensure that this information is correct, we advise you to check prices with the Metro website.