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Research Case Studies

European collaboration

These case studies highlight our engagement with European research partners, networks and funding bodies.

None of these projects would have been possible without collaboration on a pan-European level. Working with universities and other institutions across Europe allows us to share data and equipment.

We can also exchange researchers and students. This ensures that the discoveries we make can change the lives of UK, European and global citizens.

Retinal stem cell research

Improving understanding of retinal disease

Studying the developmental biology and disease of the eye is a core activity of the Retinal Stem Cell Research group. We exploit developmental, genetic and cellular information to better understand retinal disease.

Professors Majlinda Lako and Lyle Armstrong drove the success of the StemBANCC initiative (€52M).

The project generated 1500 induced pluripotent stem cell lines from 500 people. Participants give us informed consent for their samples and we follow strict ethical standards.

Research impact

The work of STEMBANCC helps European researchers:

  • study diseases
  • develop new treatments
  • test the safety of new drugs

Our research delivered insights into the pathomechanism of inherited neurodegenerative disease. These activities established Newcastle pluripotent stem cell group as international leaders.

This work laid the foundation of our spin-out Newcells Biotech. This company develops in vitro cell based assays for drug and chemical discovery and development.


Renegotiating belonging through culture and contact in public space and place

This HERA-funded project investigates how diverse culture, heritage and identity practices influence belonging in changing societies.

We analyse relationships between sites, practices and discourses of:

  • public space
  • culture
  • belonging

Our aim is to uncover how and why belonging is renegotiated in a diverse Europe.

We investigate the significance of:

  • encounters between people and culture in public spaces
  • points of encounter where they may take place
  • contained or silenced counterpoints

We do this by examining the roles and functions of:

  • museums
  • built heritage
  • urban spaces
  • community and cultural organisations

Research outputs

Our project is led by Project Leader Dr Susannah Eckersley and involves partners from:

It aims to have an impact on a wide range of areas including museum and heritage practices. We'll also look at how people engage with urban spaces, community groups and cultural activities.

We have 12 associate partners across Europe which involve:

  • museums
  • heritage and cultural organisations
  • religious and migrant community groups

We'll produce academic publications, policy briefs, and models of participatory action. They will impact on audiences and stakeholders within heritage, museums, academia, and beyond.

Click here to find out more about the project.

Modelling of road traffic accidents

Research partnership

We researched statistical modelling of road traffic accidents with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the PTV Group. It focused on the development of software to engage practitioners with these models.

Users implemented this software in a variety of contexts, including:

  • informing the impact of a new low emission zone in the city of Lisbon
  • evaluating speed cameras in various locations in the UK and Europe
  • developing of a new road safety charter in Bolivia


This is a web-based application we developed with Traffic and Accident Data Unit (TADU) and PTV. It offers support for hotspot predictions and safety scheme evaluations.

Before Raptor, no such software existed for road safety practitioners. PTV has embedded our mathematical methods in VISUM Safety, its commercial software product. It allows planners and road safety analysts to assess the most critical points in a transport network.

This is a tool used by Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative. This is a partnership between Northumbria Police and six local authorities. These authorities include Gateshead, Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and Sunderland.

For more information about Dr Lee Fawcett, please visit his staff profile.