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PSY8066 : Low Intensity Clinical Placement (Inactive)

  • Inactive for Year: 2024/25
  • Module Leader(s): Miss Laura Stevenson
  • Owning School: Psychology
  • Teaching Location: Off Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

ECTS Credits: 0.0
European Credit Transfer System


The aim of this module is to provide trainees with the opportunity to obtain the clinical experience in using Low Intensity clinical approaches within a practice context.

Outline Of Syllabus

There is no specified syllabus linked to this module, rather it provides the opportunity for trainees to obtain supervised clinical experience to support the content of the other modules. In this way it facilitates the development of theory-practice links and, in particular, supports the programme’s skills outcomes.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Placement/Study AbroadEmployer-based learning1207:30900:00Observation activities, clinical training, note-taking, report writing, meeting attendance, briefing
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

The placement provides the support and opportunity to meet the trainees' learning needs whilst embedding the academic content into clinical practice, and also provides the supervisor with an opportunity to evaluate the students’ performance against the skills outcomes set by the BPS (which broadly assess clinical and professional competence).

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Zero Weighted Pass/Fail Assessments
Description When Set Comment
PortfolioMPart 1- Portfolio of evidence and reflective processes based around clinical components and skills outcomes pertaining to module 1
PortfolioMPart 2 - Portfolio of evidence and reflective processes based around clinical components and skills pertaining to module 2
PortfolioMPart 3 - Portfolio of evidence and reflective processes based around clinical components and skills outcomes. Final placement report completed by supervisor (see below)
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

The first placement report requires that the supervisor indicates whether trainees have passed the skills outcomes linked to module 1 (and also has sections associated with minimum caseload and professional standards). Individuals need to have passed all outcomes to pass this assessment. This assesses the extent to which the academic content of the course has been embedded into clinical practice and provides a check that trainees are able to function within a ‘real world’, professional, service setting. This placement assessment is to provide this check at the point where the students have recently started to accrue their own caseload. In this way it also has a public protection function.

The second portfolio submission includes the skills outcomes linked to module 2 and as above, assesses the extent to which the academic content of the course has been embedded into clinical practice as the clinical content advances throughout the training. The supervisor is required to confirm the trainee has sufficiently demonstrated the skills outcomes.

The third and final portfolio requires a final supervisor report that confirms the trainee has met professional standards, supervision hours and clinical hours. The trainee provides evidence that they have completed module 3 skills outcomes, which the supervisor confirms and is then ratified by the University. This assesses the extent to which the academic content of the course has been embedded into clinical practice and provides a check that students are able to function within a professional service setting. The portfolio also has a reflective element that allows the supervisor to establish whether the student has engaged in a reflective learning process over the course of the placement.

Trainees will also receive ongoing formative feedback as part of the supervision process.

In order to pass the module, trainees are required to successfully pass all elements of the assessment and must complete the full duration of their placement.

Assessments are required to be within the scope determined by the BPS national curriculum.

Reading Lists
