Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Get the skills you need to progress your career, with professional development courses from Newcastle University.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Quantifying Energy Decision Making
Learn to physically and economically quantify energy decision making through energy science concepts, supply contexts, issues influencing energy project evaluation, and economic appraisal methods.
Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids
Learn fundamental engineering principles of all major sources of renewable energy, including a detailed understanding of its conversion into electricity and subsequent distribution.
Gain technology knowledge relating to to Industrial Automation and manufacturing applications covering: Introduction to Distributed Control Systems (DCS); Communication networks for DCSs; Network Protocols; Controller Area Network and CANopen.
Environmental Engineering
Learn the fundamentals of air pollution including a historical perspective, current air quality policies and standards, the sources and effects of major pollutants, and methods to estimate air pollution emissions from road transport and industrial sources.
Introduction to Practical Hydraulics
Learn the founding concepts of hydraulics and how they can be applied to problems in drainage, sewer design, water supply and the specification of pumps, aimed at those without traditional engineering training.
Solid Waste and Resource Management
Gain an understanding of technical issues and the management of solid wastes, including both domestic and international policy, and appropriate methods of storage, collection, transfer, treatment and disposal appropriate for industrialised and developing countries.
Develop an understanding of physical, chemical and biological principles in wastewater assessment and treatment, and develop analytical and molecular microbial ecology skills through laboratory analysis of wastewater and sludge samples.
Gain an understanding of the legal, health and technical aspects of treating water for drinking and industrial purposes, and the principles involved in the design and selection of unit processes for a water treatment plant.
Quantitative Ecological Research Methods
Learn practical, technical and statistical approaches to survey design and description of ecological change in marine and terrestrial habitats and species.
Gain an understanding of risk-based approaches to contaminated land, traditional, and more recent innovative alternative techniques for its reclamation in the UK.
Learn both theory and practice of using Network Real-time kinematic (RTK) Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) for centimetre-level positioning to enhance surveying skills.
Explore GNSS error sources and examine ways of mitigating errors in a highly practical course, to develop accuracy and precision for those familiar with basic GNSS and Network RTK.
Geotechnical and Structural Engineering
This module will provide an introduction to the engineering properties of soils and rocks.
Develop your knowledge of geomaterials and their use in industry.
Discover the design and assessment of slopes, pitwalls, excavations, and tailing dams.
Foundation Design and Retaining Structures
Build on principles of soil mechanics and discover their use in foundations design.
Soil Modelling and Numerical Methods
This module will give you an introduction to the models describing the behaviour of soil.
Gain an understanding of the fundamental and some advanced principles of structural reliability, and their application through a number of realistic problems, both analytically and numerically.
Marine, Offshore and Subsea Technology
Considering a part-time Masters in marine engineering? If you're looking to continue working whilst being able to study, explore our MTEC. Find out more about our Marine Technology Education Consortium MTEC programme here at Newcastle.
Alternatively, individual CPD modules are listed below:
Reliability and Integrity Management of Marine Systems
Gain an understanding of risk and reliability relating to integrity management decisions in a marine context, and how hazards are assessed and quantified using industry recognised techniques of FMECA and HAZOP.
Product Design and Development Engineer Apprenticeship
Product Design and Development Engineer Apprenticeship
Develop the skills and expertise needed to drive critical engineering innovation in electrification and advanced manufacturing in your organisation. There are three pathways (Batteries, PEMD (power, electronics, machines and drives) and Advanced Manufacturing).
Renewable Energy
Learn the fundamentals of air pollution including a historical perspective, current air quality policies and standards, the sources and effects of major pollutants, and methods to estimate air pollution emissions from road transport and industrial sources.
Discover how both traditional and renewable energy supplies are extracted from the Earth.
Gain an overview of political, environmental and fiscal issues affecting energy management and gain practical tools and techniques to actively manage energy and identify energy efficiency opportunities in your workplace.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Learn the principles and practice of the EIA process and gain hands-on experience and skills.
Introduction to Hydro, Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy
Learn more about hydro, wind, wave and tidal energy.
The aim of the Introduction to Photovoltaics Module is to introduce primarily non-engineering students to the photovoltaics technologies available.
Gain an appreciation of the political and ethical context of renewable energy at international, national and local level to be able to critically review Government energy strategies.
Quantifying Energy Decision Making
This module has been developed to enable business enterprise students to physically and economically quantify energy decision making.
Technology for Circular and Hydrogen Economies
The aim of the module is to provide students with comprehensive and systematic knowledge to support the integration and use of hydrogen.
Asphalt Materials and Pavements
A landmark in training, this course is the leading edge of education in the highways sector providing up-to-date knowledge of all aspects of the industry, relevant to all from experienced professionals to trainees.
Behavioural Models for Individual Choices
Gain an understanding of the theory of decision making, and the ability to model and forecast how individuals make decisions, to aid planning, policy and prediction.
Railway Management, Economics and Planning
This week long programme comprises three elements which together make up the Courses in Railways CPD offering.
Courses in Road Safety: Collision Prevention and Reduction
Understand the scale and nature of the road accident problem in the UK, national and local transport policy, recent road safety developments, and how to manage the safety process.
Courses in Road Safety: Road Safety Audits
Learn how road accidents happen and are recorded, and how to use and interpreting accident data to understand and prevent future accidents.
Courses in Road Safety: Road Safety Policy
Learn how to structure a road safety audit report and identify common problems.
Design of Transport Infrastructure
Understand the constraints and challenges in creating sustainable transport infrastructure, how current road design standards were derived, safety issues, and material, design and maintenance requirements
Borehole Design, Construction and Operation
In this module, you'll get an introduction to a variety of types of boreholes and wells, their use, design, and operation.
Climate Change: Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation
Gain a detailed understanding of the principles and practice of implementing all aspects of boreholes, including site selection, design, drilling, investigation, test pumping, and long-term maintenance.
Groundwater Assessment – Geological mapping
The aim of the course is to have an appreciation of the data available via the BGS for the generation of 2D and 3D cross sections for the development of conceptual and numerical modelling.
Solid Waste and Resource Management
In this module, you'll get an understanding of the technical issues and the management of resources and solid waste.
Learn about the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters.