Sport and Exercise Science
We're a city bursting with sporting energy, making Newcastle the perfect place to study the science of sporting success and healthy living.
Where science meets sporting excellence
This innovative degree, taught by our Medical Sciences Faculty, brings together:
- anatomy
- physiology
- biomechanics
- psychology
- biochemistry
- nutrition
You'll work with academics, practitioners, elite athletes and industry partners to develop practical knowledge and skills in sport and exercise science.
Your studies will be supported by our state-of-the-art sport lab facilities, opening later this year, and there'll be plenty of opportunity to get involved in research.
You can also participate in research trials, gaining valuable insight for when you design and conduct your own research project in your third year.

Study with us
We deliver an outstanding learning experience that equips our students for future success. Study with us and you'll be challenged and supported, so that you can achieve great things.
Download our Undergraduate Prospectus
Explore the world-class education and great student experience waiting for you at Newcastle University. Download our Undergraduate Prospectus.