
Colour Vision Testing Services

Colour Vision Testing Services

The Faculty of Medical Sciences runs facilities for testing human and animal perception and behaviour.

We are offering to assess and classify colour vision deficiencies, in particular all X-linked colour deficiencies commonly referred to as red-green colour blindness. Depending on the tests used, a session can be between one to four hours long and be performed in either a single or two separate sittings.

Typically, basic classification can be achieved in 30 minutes. All tests are non-invasive and simply involve the client to making judgments (eg discriminating, matching, ordering, naming) of coloured lights or pigment samples under standardised lighting conditions.

We use a comprehensive battery of both standardised tests and more sophisticated tests initially developed for research purposes. Standardised tests include the Anomaloscope, the Ishihara Plates, Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test, and the D15.

These tests are norm-referenced behavioural tests in which procedures follow strict, pre-specified rules. In addition, we are offering to test our clients with equipment uniquely developed at Newcastle University. 


  • Professor Anya Hurlbert
    Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 7638

  • Dr Gabi Jordan
    Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 5624